Heavy Gold Wire Front-Cut Bondhead

This video demonstrates .005” gold (Au) heavy wire bonding using front cut bondhead on the Bondjet BJ920 Heavy Wire Bonder.

Critical features for heavy wire bondheads:

  • Integrated pull test
  • Touchdown and deformation sensor with no signal delay
  • Robust design with maintenance free solid joints
  • Back cut or front cut bondheads with active cutting system
  • Transducers available in 40 kHz, 60 kHz and 100 kHz
  • Wedge tool length 2.5″ for 60 kHz and 2.8″ for 40 kHz
  • No pusher required for access into cavities
  • Mechanical stiffness to minimize vibration and enable high bond speed and best bond quality
  • Precise force control with an accuracy of ±1 cN (static and dynamic)


Bondjet BJ935/9 Heavy Wire Bonder

Heavy Wire Bondhead

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